Imhotep Creation RPH E-Ctrl

ModelRPH E-Ctrl
VendorImhotep Creation
DescriptionPanel radiant heater thermostat MPHIE (NRPH) and compliant
Exposessystem_mode, local_temperature, climate (occupied_heating_setpoint, local_temperature), min_heat_setpoint_limit, max_heat_setpoint_limit, occupancy, linkquality
PictureImhotep Creation RPH E-Ctrl


How to use device type specific configuration

  • thermostat_unit: Controls the temperature unit of the thermostat (default celsius). The value must be one of celsius, fahrenheit

  • no_occupancy_since: Sends a message after the last time no occupancy (occupancy: false) was detected. When setting this for example to [10, 60] a {"no_occupancy_since": 10} will be send after 10 seconds and a {"no_occupancy_since": 60} after 60 seconds. The value must be a list of [object Object].


System mode (enum)

Heater mode (Off or Heat). Value can be found in the published state on the system_mode property. To read (/get) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"system_mode": ""}. To write (/set) a value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"system_mode": NEW_VALUE}. The possible values are: off, heat.

Local temperature (numeric)

Current temperature measured on the device. Value can be found in the published state on the local_temperature property. To read (/get) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"local_temperature": ""}. It's not possible to write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is °C.


This climate device supports the following features: occupied_heating_setpoint, local_temperature.

  • occupied_heating_setpoint: Temperature setpoint. To control publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"occupied_heating_setpoint": VALUE} where VALUE is the °C between 5 and 30. To read send a message to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"occupied_heating_setpoint": ""}.
  • local_temperature: Current temperature measured on the device (in °C). To read send a message to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"local_temperature": ""}.

Min heat setpoint limit (numeric)

Minimum Heating set point limit. Value can be found in the published state on the min_heat_setpoint_limit property. To read (/get) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"min_heat_setpoint_limit": ""}. To write (/set) a value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"min_heat_setpoint_limit": NEW_VALUE}. The minimal value is 5 and the maximum value is 30. The unit of this value is °C.

Max heat setpoint limit (numeric)

Maximum Heating set point limit. Value can be found in the published state on the max_heat_setpoint_limit property. To read (/get) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"max_heat_setpoint_limit": ""}. To write (/set) a value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"max_heat_setpoint_limit": NEW_VALUE}. The minimal value is 5 and the maximum value is 30. The unit of this value is °C.

Occupancy (binary)

Indicates whether the device detected occupancy. Value can be found in the published state on the occupancy property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. If value equals true occupancy is ON, if false OFF.

Linkquality (numeric)

Link quality (signal strength). Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 255. The unit of this value is lqi.