Tuya PJ-1203A

DescriptionBidirectional energy meter with 80A current clamp
Exposesac_frequency, voltage, power_a, power_b, power_ab, current_a, current_b, power_factor_a, power_factor_b, energy_flow_a, energy_flow_b, energy_a, energy_b, energy_produced_a, energy_produced_b, update_frequency, timestamp_a, timestamp_b, linkquality
PictureTuya PJ-1203A


Late Energy Flow Bug

Some or all PJ-1203A suffer from a bug that causes the energy flow direction to be reported during the next cycle update. In parctice, that means that an incorrect direction is published during update_frequencyfrequency seconds after any transition between producing and consuming.

For each channel x, the option late_energy_flow_x attempts to solve that problem by delaying the publication of power_x, current_x, power_factor_x and energy_flow_x until the next update of energy_flow_x.

The attribute timestamp_x indicates when the power value was actually received from the device. This is typically update_frequency seconds before the publication time when the option late_energy_flow_x is enabled. It should be noted that this delay does not occur when the power value is zero because the energy flow datapoint is neither produced by the device nor needed to compute the sign.


How to use device type specific configuration

  • late_energy_flow_a: Delay channel A publication until the next energy flow update (default false). The value must be true or false

  • late_energy_flow_b: Delay channel B publication until the next energy flow update (default false). The value must be true or false

  • signed_power_a: Report energy flow direction for channel A using signed power (default false). The value must be true or false

  • signed_power_b: Report energy flow direction for channel B using signed power (default false). The value must be true or false

  • voltage_calibration: Calibrates the voltage value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number.

  • voltage_precision: Number of digits after decimal point for voltage, takes into effect on next report of device. This option can only decrease the precision, not increase it. The value must be a number with a minimum value of 0 and with a with a maximum value of 3


AC frequency (numeric)

Measured electrical AC frequency. Value can be found in the published state on the ac_frequency property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is Hz.

Voltage (numeric)

Measured electrical potential value. Value can be found in the published state on the voltage property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is V.

Power a (numeric)

Instantaneous measured power (phase A). Value can be found in the published state on the power_a property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

Power b (numeric)

Instantaneous measured power (phase B). Value can be found in the published state on the power_b property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

Power ab (numeric)

Instantaneous measured power (phase AB). Value can be found in the published state on the power_ab property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

Current a (numeric)

Instantaneous measured electrical current (phase A). Value can be found in the published state on the current_a property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

Current b (numeric)

Instantaneous measured electrical current (phase B). Value can be found in the published state on the current_b property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

Power factor a (numeric)

Instantaneous measured power factor (phase A). Value can be found in the published state on the power_factor_a property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is %.

Power factor b (numeric)

Instantaneous measured power factor (phase B). Value can be found in the published state on the power_factor_b property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is %.

Energy flow a (enum)

Direction of energy (phase A). Value can be found in the published state on the energy_flow_a property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The possible values are: consuming, producing, sign.

Energy flow b (enum)

Direction of energy (phase B). Value can be found in the published state on the energy_flow_b property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The possible values are: consuming, producing, sign.

Energy a (numeric)

Sum of consumed energy (phase A). Value can be found in the published state on the energy_a property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

Energy b (numeric)

Sum of consumed energy (phase B). Value can be found in the published state on the energy_b property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

Energy produced a (numeric)

Sum of produced energy (phase A). Value can be found in the published state on the energy_produced_a property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

Energy produced b (numeric)

Sum of produced energy (phase B). Value can be found in the published state on the energy_produced_b property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

Update frequency (numeric)

Update frequency. Value can be found in the published state on the update_frequency property. It's not possible to read (/get) this value. To write (/set) a value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"update_frequency": NEW_VALUE}. The minimal value is 3 and the maximum value is 60. The unit of this value is s. Besides the numeric values the following values are accepted: default.

Timestamp a (numeric)

Timestamp at power measure (phase a). Value can be found in the published state on the timestamp_a property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

Timestamp b (numeric)

Timestamp at power measure (phase b). Value can be found in the published state on the timestamp_b property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

Linkquality (numeric)

Link quality (signal strength). Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality property. It's not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 255. The unit of this value is lqi.